Reviews of Music, Movies, Games, TV shows and more!
Reviews of Music, Movies, Games, TV shows and more!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Atelier Escha and Logy: FANSERVICE (Not a review)

As a fan of Japanese role playing games, shortened to JRPGs for those in the know, I have enjoyed some of the Gust company's Atelier titled games, namely the Arland Trilogy for the PS3.

A quick rundown of the games I've played: you (generally) take control of a young, female alchemist and over the (timed) course of so many years in the game, meet some goal. The trilogy that I had played before had me saving an alchemy shop, finding the mother of the main character who had been thought dead for some time and advancing a fledgeling kingdom. I had enjoyed many hours and several playthroughs of each game when, low and behold, Japan was getting the first game in what we fans could only hope was a new trilogy, Atelier Ayesha. And I must say, I was smitten with the ideas of Ayesha and her game.

In March of this year, Ayesha was FINALLY localized for the North American fans of the series and we got to take control of this blonde girl to find her missing sister.

Ayesha's game was gorgeous. The art was top notch, the characters all looked like individuals and the music was great. (The opening video was intriguing and haunting. See it here! )

After playing Ayesha several times, investing money in the game's DLC (downloadable content), which made playable two interesting characters from the story among other things, I had hoped for the sequel to be announced and I just forgot about it all for what seemed like forever (keep in mind, we got Ayesha in March...) and now, those SWIFT Japanese guys and gals have announced the OFFICIAL SEQUEL to Atelier Ayesha, Atelier Escha and Logy.

(See videos for it here: )

In the new game, players will be able to choose between a female or a MALE protagonist! Escha, the girl, will be more alchemy oriented, honoring the traditional ways of the Atelier games for true fans and Logy, the male, will be more battle oriented for true RPG fanatics. As interesting as that idea is, the truly amazing thing in my opinion is the new character art and designs.

There are two new characters that I am very excited about: Reyfer Luckberry, a cowboy-looking treasure hunter who weilds a big gun and Threia Hazelgrimm, who looks like a cross between an office worker and a fashion model. Threia's weapons are perhaps the most creative weapon I've ever seen in an RPG game: She uses her earrings to attack her foes. No joke. Watch the videos. I wouldn't lie to you.

Now, sit back and wait with me for the rest of 2013 until we get this gem of a game.

I am overflowing with excitement!

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