Reviews of Music, Movies, Games, TV shows and more!
Reviews of Music, Movies, Games, TV shows and more!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The XX: A Review of Two CDs

I'm going to review the band THE XX for you guys.

I listened to two full albums by the band on Spotify, after falling in love with the song they did for Baz Luhrman's Great Gatsby movie, Together. Each album, Coexist and XX, had 11 songs each on them and I must say that for a band who cranks out something like Together, I was expecting MUCH more. From both albums, I came out liking four songs and one of them wasn't even that great: it just had a fun beat.

That being said, Crystallised by the band is perhaps one of my top favorite songs of the moment and it scares me. How can I enjoy this song so much when 99% of the band's other material is repetitive, boring and at times, cheesy.

If you want to check out the band, I'd suggest following the links provided below.

Together -

Crystallised -

Sunset -

Fantasy -

A few notes on each song I provided:

Together is the song that got me interested in the band. It has emotional power within the words, great vocals and amazing music.

Crystallised has amazing lyrics, gorgeous music and the harmony between the two singers is very good.  I could see this song EASILY being the favorite of anyone who has heard of this band.

Sunset has great beats. I told a good friend of mine that I could see us dancing on the beach at night to this song.

Fantasy is eerie but in the best of ways. The music is almost hypnotic. It leaves me staring off into space just wondering about whatever. It's really good. I like when music touches me in one way or another and this song does!

Closing Remarks: I like the band as a whole. I like the idea of a male and female lead singer (SOMEONE HELP JED AND LUCIA BECOME MAINSTREAM) and the music they create together can be enchanting, if you pick and choose as I did.

They're definitely onto something. I just hope they can sort their songs better next album!

Mike's rating: 2.5/5 Stars

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